Spring is late in coming, and your level of motivation is feeling the pinch? Here are 6 tips to help you stay motivated in training while waiting for the good weather.
1- Set clear and measurable objectives
Set clear and measurable goals. You can then assess the achievement of these. Also be able to set training goals specific to your level of fitness, as well as your state of health.
2- Do what you love
To ensure a constant level of motivation, the best thing is to practice a sport that you love. If you haven't yet discovered the physical activity that excites you, fear not! The day will come. It's just a matter of being patient, and continuing your research efforts.
3- Reward yourself
When you reach one of your training goals, reward yourself. What you want is to create a positive association between the achievement of this objective, and the reward that comes with it, without neglecting the pleasure that accompanies this success.
4- Persevere
Persevere, especially at the beginning of the process. The workout routine might not be a regular part of your schedule yet. The more the weeks pass, the more you will master your sport, which will have an important role in your level of motivation.
5- Two is better!
Be on the lookout for someone to share the highs and lows of fitness with. Complicity and mutual desire to achieve your ends will help overcome obstacles along the way. Together, fun and motivation will be there!
6- The variety tastes much better
Lacking motivation? Give yourself the chance to discover different types of training or sports activities. If you love dancing, go try a dance style you've never tried before. It will allow you to get out of your comfort zone, in addition to meeting people with whom to share the pleasure of movement.
Put these 6 valuable tips into practice, and achieving your goals, whatever they may be, will be as much in sport as in other spheres of your life.